Since 1989 the North Dakota Coalition for Homeless People has grown to a network of more than 70 organizations and 8 local coalitions.
Between 2001 and 2016 the Coalition has obtained over $32 million in federal assistance to fund 22 housing and service projects for the homeless in North Dakota. The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development´s Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Program is the source.
North Dakota Coalition for Homeless People (NDCHP) was awarded the 2012 State and Local Organizing Award by the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC).
NDCHP, an NLIHC state coalition partner, worked on a state-level campaign to create an affordable housing trust fund. NDCHP, along with other campaign members, were successful in establishing the North Dakota Housing Incentive Fund. The fund will provide $15 million for affordable housing development and supportive services.
NDCHP played a vital role in organizing a broad coalition of housing advocates and the housing divisions of human needs organizations and foundations. These efforts created the Housing Alliance of North Dakota (HAND), which led the campaign for the housing trust fund.